Patient Info

When you arrive for your first appointment, our friendly staff will present you with a New Patient Form. This will make sure we have all of your relevant details.
Meeting Your Dentist
When you meet your Studio Dental Salisbury dentist, they will discuss any concerns you may have and address them first.3.
Oral Examination
Our dentists will then perform a thorough oral examination, and determine a treatment plan from there. This may also require digital radiography (x-rays) to complete your records.4.
Further Treatment
If you require any further treatment, we will present you with a treatment plan and fee estimate and your next appointments will be made.
Private Patients
The majority of patients come to us as private patients. If you are a member of a participating health fund, we provide the convenience of automatic claims processing through HICAPS (Health Industry Claims and Payments Service). We will ensure that we discuss your treatment options and costs with you before commencing treatment.
Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)
The CDBS replaces the Teen Dental Scheme and expands on the types of treatment that can be provided to patients by private dentists.
For eligible patients, we bulk bill our services so that you should have no out of pocket expenses for treatment covered by the scheme.
Dept of Veterans Affairs (DVA)
Studio Dental Salisbury is registered to provide dental care to eligible DVA card holders. For information on how to access dental services under this scheme please click here.
South Australian Dental Service (SADS)
SADS patients may be offered the opportunity to receive care from a private dentist. Patients must be referred by their Community Dental Service clinic. Studio Dental Salisbury participates in the provision of dental care to SADS eligible patients through the following schemes:
- General Dental Scheme (GDS)
- Emergency Dental Scheme (EDS)
For more information on the SA Dental Service and associated schemes please click here or if you already have a form please contact our practice (08) 9080 5991